3 boy Chihuahua crossed Puppies

Chihuahua 1027 views For Sale ID: 29262
$ 300.00

Published on August 21, 2023. Modified on August 21, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender


Our dogs had their last babies - 3 boys. They will be ready on September 8th. The mom, Princess, is a purebred deer-headed Chihuahua. She is 5 pounds, 3 years old, and has black spots on her nose, which is rare and beautiful. The dad is half Chihuahua and half Dachshund. He is 8 pounds, but he just got fixed and is now 10 pounds. We love our dogs and raised the puppies ourselves. We want them to go to safe homes, not to breeders or families with small children. The puppies are very small and need a secure place to sleep. They weigh only a few ounces now, but they are healthy and beautiful. We are asking for a rehoming fee of $300 to ensure they go to a safe home. This fee is not negotiable. If you want a Chihuahua boy, this is your chance. It costs $150 to get a boy fixed, but we can recommend a cheap vet. Chihuahuas don't need much food or exercise, and they can be trained to use puppy pads. Both parents have wonderful temperaments and are very cuddly. Text me for pictures. We have the mom and dad here with us.


United States
32.7762719, -96.7968559
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Brianna Peacock
Brianna Peacock
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