Chesapeake bay retriever Puppies are ready to go as of 3/31/22. 4 males and 3 females to choose from. Parents have AKC registration. Dewclaw, vet check, deworming, and first vaccinations. Please call or text for more information.
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Published on March 16, 2022
Chesapeake bay retriever Puppies are ready to go as of 3/31/22. 4 males and 3 females to choose from. Parents have AKC registration. Dewclaw, vet check, deworming, and first vaccinations. Please call or text for more information.
These Chesapeake Bay puppies are looking for a loving forever home. They are 8 weeks old and have already been wormed. The father is a Chesapeake Bay retriever and the mother is a black lab. If you would like more information or videos, please don't hesitate to contact me at the provided number.
AKC Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies, 8 weeks old, in light chocolate, dead grass, and brindle points. Exclusive for hunters with great bloodlines or as wonderful family pets. First shots, regular worming, and parents on-site. For more info, please text.
I am selling Chesapeake Bay retriever puppies, both males and females. They come from a great hunting background and have been raised on a farm. They are AKC registered and will have their first round of shots and be wormed. They will also be checked over by a vet. There are three male puppies in one picture and two female puppies in another. Please feel fre...
This Chessie litter is AKC registered and all brown. 5 males and 2 females. Both parents have registered. And wonderful personalities. Friendly and good with children and livestock. Loyal and fond of water They will be vaccinated and deformed before going to their forever homes. Born on September 22nd, ready in mid-November. There is a reasonable fee for reh...
This litter has three Chesapeake puppies. They are members of our family. They live with us and play with our children. They will be well-socialized puppies who will blend into any family. Our lovely dark brown male, has a tight curl on his head and back. Our female has a deadgrass coat with a wavy curl on it. This combo presents some stunning puppies. Pleas...
For sale are 13 week old Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies. In addition to dewclaw removal, we'll give you a check-up from the veterinarian and administer puppy shots. They are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Get in touch via phone or text message if you have any further questions.
Puppies of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever breed. Whelped on November 8. Males and females are both present. Deadgrass colors are dark brown and pale brown. AKC sire and dam. OFA. Paperwork related to DNA. Only serious queries will be considered. Only phone calls are accepted. Puppies will be ready to go in late December.
10 Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppies for Sale. 2 Dead Grass males are $800, 4 brown males and 4 brown females for $500. The puppies have been examined by a veterinarian and have received their first round of vaccinations. They are both healthy and content. Photographs of puppies, as well as their sire and dam. Please text between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m...
We have to rehome our male Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppy. He is 15 weeks old. He has not reg. papers, but he got all the shots with the records. He likes other dogs and kids. The only explanation why we are rehoming is our females beat him up. Asking $100,00 rehoming fee.
Hello, we have purebred Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies for sale. Both parents are registered to AKC. These puppies have such lovely coloring. They have been well socialized and have wonderful temperaments. They make excellent hunters and family guardians. Puppies have received their first vaccinations and are AKC registered. The born date is May 2nd. They ...
Chesapeake bay retriever babies born 11/22 4 boys and 4 girls Puppies will be able to go around 5-6 weeks old-dam is 65 lbs, black-sire is 90 lbs, puppies will be dewormed, dewclaws will be removed and first set of shots will be taken.. The dam and the siren come from the hunting stock. This is a smart, high-energy breed. They really need a work and a lot of...
Chesapeake Bay Retrievers for Xmas. I have two large, healthful females left, prepared to go along with 1st spherical of vaccines now supplied. These are generally the ideal waterfowl looking canine you might at any time see, and originate from discipline trial champion strains. Contact for more info.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies for sale. 4 females and 2 males left. They were born on April 13, 21. They will come with full AKC registration, first shots, deworming, and dew claws removed. Both mom and dad on site and have had all testing done. Please do research on this bred before contacting.
AKC Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies. Born January 24, ready for brand spanking new homes during third week of March (this month). Sire and Dam from Championship lines nationwide and Wales, respectively. Puppies experienced dew claws removed, happen to be regularly wormed, and will have six week shots on March 8. Chesapeake breed standards accommodate a whit...
3 yearsChesapeake Bay RetrieverKinimaka Road At Mamalahoa Highway1 view
Registered Chesapeake bay retriever puppies born on 4/8. They are out great bloodlines granddad was out of ark master hunter Dually. The dad is OFA cert on hips passed excellent. go to our website We sell pick in the litter for 600 in male and female and then sell the rerst for 500. We take 150 dollar deposit.
This litter of wavy coat Chesapeake Bay Retriever puppies were born December 8th and, will be ready to go in February. They will come with their shots, a litter certificate, transfer papers, and will be wormed. The Dam is a dead-grass and the stud is brown as you can see in the pics. There is 6 females and 3 males available. The parents are AKC registered. P...
I have three male and three female AKC papered Chesapeake Bay Retrievers puppies for sale. 1st puppy vaccinations and vet checks will be done. They're going to be ready for the 2nd week of November! Start taking the deposits today! Please contact me for any question about puppy.