Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Centennial, Colorado on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
3 American Pit Bull puppies for sale. One female with 2 males. They will be ready to leave on 7/25. They had their first shots set. Blue is a female and 2 other pups are males.
We have 3 female Pyrenees's puppies, $600 an item that is to be ready to get a home on Feb 1. First list of shots will probably be provided. Parents are on site to think about. Please get in touch today if you need to be released and pick your puppy, deposit will be required to book your puppy! These 3 beautiful ladies need great homes!
We have five pure bred sweet Scottish terrier puppies two girls and 3 boys both parents live with us they are very warm hearted friendly clearly a smart dogs we have had Scottish terriers for 45 years we wouldn't think of having anything else that would be a great Christmas gift we would like them to go to a good family please check Scottish terriers the bre...
This sweet little girl is Luna. She is 8 weeks old Doberman puppy. She has been dewormed, first set of shots, and docked tail. Need to rehome her because she is not the best match for our family. Please contact us for more info. There is a rehoming fee to make sure she goes to the right family.