Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Cameron, Missouri on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
8 weeks old Rat Terrier puppies looking for a forever home. So cute and sweet!! They have had first booster shot. Rehoming fee need. Please call or text phone number. Thanks.
There is only one black and red plush coat male GSP puppy left. 8 weeks old and 13 pounds. He is ready to do any work. Akc bloodline, high drive and attentiveness, pet only, non-registered All shots are UTD and come with a health guarantee. Both parents are on-site and are great working dogs. Parents were trained in service and personal protection. I started...
Female Hungarian Vizsla Puppy Well behaved girl at 3 months of age, House trained and knows some tricks already. She spend the night by herself in a large crate with no issues. Extremely smart and friendly. I will send along with her the crate and her many favorite toys. We have to say goodbye to this lovely girl because she needs more attention and room to ...