Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Bolivar, Missouri on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
We have 5 full blooded lemon and tri-colored beagle puppies for sale. Females are $300 and males are $250. They are 7 weeks old, have no registration papers, are 2 females and 3 males, have been handled by children since day one, and have been around other dogs. The parents are full blooded family dogs; the sire weighs 25 pounds and the dam weighs 20 pounds....
We have 4 Great Dane puppies looking for homes!!! They are 7 weeks old as of February 12th. 1 boy, 3 girls Three dogs are solid black ($800), and one is light Merle. ($1,000) The pictures you see are what they look like, so if you want to see them again, you'll have to go see them in person. The pups have weined off their mother and are ready to leave. They'...