We have beautiful Basset Hound puppies looking for a new family. They were born on July 4th.
4 girls, 3 boys. They have had their 1st shots and wormer done. Please call me for any questions.
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Looking for their forever home are 10-week-old Basset Hound puppies, also known as House Hippos. There are two boys and one girl, all of whom have received their first shots and have been dewormed. The rehousing fee is $750, and please note that they do not come with papers as they were a surprise litter. These adorable and playful puppies had their pictures...
We currently have four Basset Hound puppies available, born on April 17th, 2024, and are now looking for their forever homes. Among them, we have four male puppies named Hickory, Alder, Willow, and Asher. The mother is a purebred lemon and white Basset Hound, while the father is a purebred tricolor Basset Hound registered with ACA (last photo available). Our...
We have a litter of adorable Basset Hound mix puppies available for adoption. The rehoming fee is $150. The mother is fully AKC registered and can be seen on-site. These puppies are 7 weeks old, have received their first round of shots, and have been dewormed. We suspect that the father may be a Black Basset Hound from the neighborhood, but we can't be certa...
Our Purebred Euro Basset hounds have recently welcomed a litter of adorable puppies. We have decided to keep one or two of them, but we will have four puppies available for rehoming once they reach 8-12 weeks of age. Although we are not professional breeders, we have registered the litter with AKC, so the puppies will come with papers. Rest assured, all the ...
I am selling five adorable basset hound puppies that were born on March 10th. There are three lovely females and two handsome males. These puppies are registered with the America Pet Registry. To ensure their well-being, there is a rehoming fee of $1200. Currently, they are only 2 weeks old, but they will be ready to go to their forever homes on April 5th, 2...
We've got adorable puppies for FREE, both male and female! They are a mix of Bassett Hound and Pit, and were born on November 7th. If you're interested, please make sure to bring a 9 in 1 shot or 7 in 1 shot for them. Kindly text me as I have a busy schedule.
I am selling two basset hound puppies that were born on December 3rd and are registered with Akc. They will be ready to go to their new homes on January 29th. Both parents are available to see at my location. The puppies will come with up-to-date shots, deworming, a health certificate, and Akc registration. I am located in Bunnell, FL. Please contact me via ...
I have 5 Basset Hound puppies available in Mayfield, KY. There are 2 males and 3 females. They've had their first shots, are dewormed, and come with proof of vaccinations. Contact for more details.
3 purebred basset hound puppies with papered documents are available for adoption. They are seven weeks old and have received all the necessary puppy shots. There is one male and two females, and they are all super sweet. The puppies are currently being trained to use puppy pads and are transitioning to regular puppy food. Their long ears drag on the ground,...
- 2 AKC Basset Hound Pups available for rehoming - 8 weeks old as of Friday - AKC litter registered - UTD on vaccinations and wormed multiple times - Well socialized and love kids and other animals
I have three basset hound puppies that need good homes. They are almost seven weeks old and have received their first shot. Although they are not papered, they are full-blooded basset hounds. The rehoming fee is $750.
I have a 12-week-old female basset hound puppy available. She has been dewormed, flea treated, and received her first set of shots. She weighs 9 pounds and comes with AKC paperwork. A rehoming fee is required. Please contact me via text only.
I have 4 basset hound puppies that need new homes. There are 3 girls and 1 boy. These puppies are playful and affectionate. The rehoming fee is $500. If you're interested, please text me. My name is Adeline and I can provide you with pictures and any information you need.
We have purebred Tri-Color Basset Hound puppies that are absolutely adorable. They are now ready to go! We have four males and five females available. These puppies have been raised indoors with lots of love and attention. They are extremely affectionate and even cuter in person. They are puppy pad trained, crate trained, and a joy to be around. They are up ...
Gorgeous female Basset Hound puppies available, aged 4 weeks. They have been examined by a veterinarian and will come with their vaccination records and necessary paperwork. The puppies are currently located in Maumee, Ohio, which is a brief distance away. If you have any inquiries or would like to see more pictures, please feel free to contact me. The rehom...
AKC purebred Basset Hound puppies, $900, Males and Females available. Accepting deposits now to hold of $150 (non-refundable). Balance due on pickup day of $750. Ready for their new homes on Saturday July 29th. Both parents on site. Dam red/white 65 lbs, Sire black/tan 52 lbs Basset Hounds make the best family pet. They are great with children and adults lai...
Extraordinary basset hound puppies with the lengthiest ears in the area! These adorable puppies, both males and females, are simply delightful. They have received three rounds of shots and have been dewormed three times. They possess a fondness for children and get along well with all other pets. Being still in their infancy, they are a joy to play with and ...
We have three charming male Basset Hound puppies who are purebred and have received their initial vaccinations and deworming. These cute little ones are eagerly awaiting their permanent homes. You can meet their parents by reaching out to us for further details.
Hello there! I am excited to share that we have 4 lovely female and 1 adorable male basset hound puppies born on March 25th. They will be ready to go on May 20th. The parents are registered with AKC and are also with us. These cute puppies will come to you with updated shots and deworming. You will also receive a health certificate from our vet and they will...
Behold, let me introduce to you the magnificent Petey, a young pup of a mere 12 weeks, whose arrival on this earth was marked on the illustrious day of December 15, 2022. This delightful creature is a purebred Basset Hound, with a pedigree as regal as it is impressive, although not formalized on paper, for I am fortunate enough to possess both his sire and d...
Cute AKC basset hound pups for sale! Ready to find their forever homes, these adorable pups have been vet-checked and have had their first shots. Both parents are on-site for you to view. Don't miss out - take your pup home today! We have more pictures and videos available upon request. Basset Hounds are a popular breed of dog known for their droopy ears, lo...
I have pure basset hound puppies available for adoption. I don't have the parents' papers, but I do have the parents. Once the registration is complete, I can always send you a copy of your certification and pedigree. We have five girls(silver names) and six boys(gold names). All babies born on December 14th and 15th will be ready to go by February 8th and 9...
A beautiful and affectionate female Basset hound puppy is available for adoption. She has received five deworming treatments, two vaccinations, and is currently 2 months and 2 weeks old. Her vaccination and deworming records are kept in a control card. She is healthy, has good bloodlines, and loves playing with children and other puppies. If you are interest...
I have three Basset Hound puppies, one boy (shown in the first photo) and two girls. Wonderful family dogs! They will be ready for their forever homes on February 22nd. If you are interested, please call or text. There is an adoption fee.