Dad is a 4.5 lb Yorkie, and Mom is a 12 lb blue Aussiepoo. Only male puppies are available. They come with proof of vaccinations, puppy pads, and a new leash. They’re all ready to go! The rehoming fee is $350.
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We still have 5 Aussie/Poodle puppies available. They've had their first shots and have been dewormed. They will make wonderful family pets. We are asking $400.00 for each of the four females and one male.
Australian Shepherd / Poodle Mix puppies for sale. Mini Australian Shepherd weighing 25 pounds & a poodle weighing 28 pounds; puppies are small to non-shed; they're hypoallergenic; they've been tested and dewormed; they're prepared for their homes forever. Rehoming fee is 600. If you are interested, please send me a message