Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Auburn, Washington on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
9 and a half weeks old beautiful Pitbull puppies in fawn, male and female. There are no shots yet, only deworming. Since 4 weeks, they have been on solid food. For more information on the rehoming fee, please text or call.
We have 8 gorgeous German shepherd puppies hunting for a new house. Both dad and mom are registered though the puppies won't include papers. They decide to return home on April 13th. They will also gain their 1st shots. I've 2 an all-black costume boys and 6 black females and 1 tan female. I am accepting $300 deposit. More info: (571) 284-8309
4 little jack Russell females puppies that should be rehomed. Born on MLK day, today marks their 7 weeks. Their mom is really a clean Jack Russell and also the dad is really a Parson Terrior. The dad can be a friend of an neighbors thus have zero pictures of him. Selling them for less money than normal simply because they haven't had their shots.