Amstaff mix puppies for adoption

American Staffordshire Terrier 51 views For Adoption/Rehoming ID: 31190
$ 50.00

Published on April 30, 2024


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


These puppies were born on January 14, 2024, and have been raised in a home environment with us, making them very people-friendly. They are crate trained and mostly potty trained outside, with only a few accidents. The mother is a mix of American Staffordshire and Pitbull, while the father is a mix of Pitbull and Akbash (known as Livestock guardian dogs), indicating that the puppies will likely grow to be large and will need a spacious yard to roam in.

The puppies have received their first set of shots and are now ready for rehoming. We are asking for a $150 adoption fee to ensure that they go to a caring and responsible family.

There are 5 males and 1 female available.

If you have any inquiries or would like to learn more about these puppies, please do not hesitate to contact us.


United States
38.5810606, -121.493895
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