Cute little female pitbull puppy

Cute little female pitbull puppy

$ 200.00
American Pit Bull Terrier
1 year
United States
New Mexico
Albuquerque Get directions →
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ID: 28432
Published 1 year ago by Nancy
$ 200.00
Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
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Hey there! I have the cutest little female pitbull puppy up for adoption. She's super smart, affectionate, and always ready to protect her loved ones. She's great with other furry friends and kids too! She's already had her first two shots and was born in January. If you're interested, I'm asking for a small rehoming fee of $200. Please feel free to reach out to me for more details. Thanks! Read more

Published on April 29, 2023



Hey there! I have the cutest little female pitbull puppy up for adoption. She's super smart, affectionate, and always ready to protect her loved ones. She's great with other furry friends and kids too! She's already had her first two shots and was born in January. If you're interested, I'm asking for a small rehoming fee of $200. Please feel free to reach out to me for more details. Thanks!

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Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
1 active listings
Peronal seller
Last online 1 year ago
Registered for 1 year
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