I have a litter of 6 American English Coonhound puppies, who will turn 7 weeks old this Thursday and are ready for adoption. While I am selling them as grade, their parents are registered with UKC, and I am in the process of registering the litter as well. The litter consists of 4 males and 2 females, all of whom have been dewormed at 2, 4, and 6 weeks of ag...
Puppies for sale are fullblooded blue American English coonhounds. Three males and one female. They were born 10th of May, 2022. They had their first puppy shots and have been wormed on a regular basis. Will be ready to start in the fall. Mom is a blue English, and dad is a red English. Both parents are UKC registered, the puppies are not. $300 each.
Redtick Coonhound puppies with full bloodlines. 4 males from the same litter that I bought when they were 6 weeks old and they are almost 4 months old, all shots and wormed. For more information, please text or call.
Jack and Oliver at 8 weeks old. They are English Coonhound puppies. They are great with other dogs and kids. They are up to date on their vaccinations. All our puppies are fully vetted. They are microchipped and heartworm tested as well as on prevention.
There are ten puppies for sale. They're nine weeks old. Seven are Blue Tick and three are Red Tick. All red tick are males. They will be registered as purebreds with the United Kennel Club.
Red tick hound puppy. 4 months old. Shots and dewormed. Good to go to some great home. This puppy originated from a mountain lion and bear hunting outfitter. He has excellent bloodlines and an excellent nose. He loves the mountains and out of doors which is a easy keeper. Excellent temperament. Re-homing fee.
Finding a home for my Redtick coonhound puppies. The white pup is a boy. He's a wonderful dog who loves to snuggle. The smaller one with a half-brown face is the girl. She loves to be outside. I'm taking her with me wherever. A small re-homing fee.
Very smart UKC English coonhound puppy to get affordable home. She is 4 month old and up to date on shots.... Have shot records and UKC papers. Incorporates harness, snacks, toys, leash, pet shampoo. She is the sweetest puppy ever and extremely smart! She understands how to sit, shake and loves to play fetch! She is crate trained and house trained should you...
I only have four English coonhound puppies left. three females and one male They've been dewormed and given a five-way test. They're six weeks old now, and they're eating diamond dog food. There will be no holds placed during this time. They are 300 each and are ukc registered, but the papers haven't arrived from ukc yet; as soon as I do, I'll mail them to a...
Brother and sister from same litter. 7 months old. Father is champion coon dog. Mother also is an excellent hound. Owner is very ill and cannot train the pups. Puppies are hunting dogs and need space to run. Not suitable for in town pets. These dogs need to hunt!
Beautiful American English Coonhound. Her ear continues to be clipped like hunters caused by mark their dogs. We're assuming she will not hunt so that they dumped her out in the united kingdom pregnant. : She is super sweet and She's around two. Great along with other dogs and children. She is not housebroken, but we have been implementing it daily! If you t...
We have 6 coon hound puppies left (2 female, 4 male) mom is often a registered walker coon hound, 2 months old. They are showing desire for hunting and possess allot of your energy. They have had their first 2 group of shots and deworming. Call or text 808-347-6154
Brindle and white Mountain Cur /coonhound mix. He's 8 1/8 weeks fully house trained, crate trained, loves kids, good with dogs, (when he visits other dogs he's very playfull when meeting) also good with cats, (since he lives with 5 of them) he's very energetic,would rather gives kisses,he's a cuddler. He still learning commands, they know sit, and shake. He ...
3 American English Redtick Coonhound Puppies for sale. These pups are 14 weeks old. 1 male and 2 females available. They need regular training to hold in top condition, they are good with children, and make good hunting dogs or as family pets. Please contact me for more information.
We have 5 females English Redtick Coonhound Puppies for sale. They are seven weeks old, from good bloodlines. They were born on Sept. 18. UKC registered with papers. Both parents on site. Puppies have had their first shots, and worming. Dam is a bluetick and Sire is a redtick is a sire.