Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Morehead, Kentucky on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
Meet Beans, a cute and cuddly shih tzu/Yorkie mix. He is a male pup born on June 30, 2023. He is almost fully crate trained and is learning to be housebroken. He will get his third round of puppy shots on October 20. He is not a fan of baths or blow dryers, but he loves kids and dogs. He has not met any cats yet, but he is likely to get along with them. He i...
I have three female and one male standard Australian shepherd puppies for sale. They have ASDR registration and will have their tails docked and dewclaws removed. Merles are $800, whereas tris are $750.
I have 9 German Shepherd puppies for sale. There are seven females and two males. The parents are akc registered, but the puppies will not be. They've been vaccinated and are ready to go. Asking $600 for each.
My litter of Dutch Shepherd puppies were born on December 10th. I own both parents and will send photos if requested. Puppies are now ready to go to their new homes. There are still 1 male and 5 females available out of the total of 8. More photos are available upon request. The rehoming fee is $650.00 on each.
Five standard Aussie puppies need re-homing. Four males, one female. Will be wormed for 2/4/6 weeks and will give their first shots. Mom and dad on the site. Docking tails and removing the dew claws on 8/06. These are farm raised dog, exposed to all kinds of livestock... Ready to leave on 9/16.