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2 adorable Pug Puppies available

Pug 1009 views For Sale ID: 1425
$ 1000.00

Published on February 10, 2021. Modified on February 10, 2021.



We have two adorable Pug Puppies available. The mother is really a black pug and also the father can be a Pug.

The puppies includes their first round of shots, de-wormed sufficient reason for a smaller re-homing package (food sample, toy).

We've 2 girls, one black/brown the other brown, and 1 black/brown colored boy.

The mom loves to play and it has a particular desire for ball chasing. Jane is desperate to please and is very intelligent, she hears many commands. The dad also exhibits the normal traits of their breed. He's very sweet and playful. He's a charming, fun-loving clown of the dog who doesn't mind wearing a fancy dress. Both mother and father have zero health problems and are flea free (puppies do not have fleas).

You are invited to arrived at home to satisfy the puppies, once you really like one and choose to consider, you can take him/her home without delay!

Call only (978) 543-0487


United States
42.360083, -71.05888
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