2 female pit bull puppies needing a new home

American Pit Bull Terrier 1270 views For Sale ID: 16452
$ 800.00

Published on January 25, 2021. Modified on January 25, 2021.



2 female pit bull puppies needing a new home. I have a photo of both parents which I can send to you upon request. They are 8 weeks old, and both of them have all their puppy shots and 2 rounds of deworming. I can prove their vaccinations, such as receipts for vaccines and empty bottles. If you're interested, I can give you liquid deworming for the last round they missed. They are very playful yet loyal companions and have short hair so they won't shed out much. Each puppy is provided with a bag of supplies like food, puppy pads, toys, etc. So, you don't have to worry about buying anything after picking it up. Relocation fees are $ 800 each. Feel free to contact me if you want to meet the puppies before bringing them home to see if their personalities suit you.


United States
25.7741728, -80.19362
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