5 Boxmas puppies need forever homes

Boxmas 695 views ID: 29797
$ 500.00

Published on October 22, 2023. Modified on October 22, 2023.



I have five Boxmas puppies available for adoption. There are three males and two females. They will be ready for adoption on November 1st. They will receive their first vet visit, shots, and deworming. We are open to meet and greets so you can find the perfect pup for your home. The mother is a Boxmas and the father is a papered Boxer. Both parents are loyal, friendly, and protective. The puppies have been raised with me, my husband, and five children, making them suitable for families or as companions. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a meet and greet, please feel free to contact me.


United States
47.0451022, -122.8950075
(360) 529-xxxx Send message
Malina J Keen
Malina J Keen
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