Browse latest dog and puppies for sale and adoption near Avon Park, Florida on Explore a variety of breeds with our reputable listings.
9 weeks old male Chihuahua puppy with a short coat. He has all puppy shots, deworming, and health certificates. He is a light tan cream color. Paperwork for registration included. Once grown, the weight should not exceed 5-6 lbs. Dad weighs 4.5 pounds and mom weighs about 6 pounds. Mom and dad on last pics. Lmk if you're interested!
I have 5 Beautiful Chocolate Dorkie Puppies up for rehoming. There is 3 boys and 2 girls. Mom is a Dorkie and Dad is a Chocolate Yorkie. Puppies will be ready for new home at 8 weeks old on January 6. Rehoming fee of $400 each.
These 5 AKC registered Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies were born on November 22. Four adorable little boy and one tiny sweet girl ready for new homes on January 19. Both parents are pets of the family and are great with children, cats and other dogs. Both have extremely loving temperaments. The babies are born and raised in our living room and all visi...
$ 500.00
Cavalier King Charles SpanielFor Sale40 people viewed