Aussie-Pitbull Mix Puppies for Sale

Aussie Pit 1049 views ID: 29732
$ 200.00

Published on October 15, 2023. Modified on October 15, 2023.


  • Age
    attributes0–6 months
  • Gender
    attributesMale & Female


Adorable Australian Shepherd-Pitbull Mix Puppies for Sale.

- The mother is an Australian Shepherd and the father is a small Pitbull.
- There are seven puppies in total: five males and two females.
- Five of the puppies have blue eyes or mixed blue eyes, and two have brown eyes.
- Five of the puppies are black with white stars on their chests, and two are chocolate-colored.
- The puppies are 9 weeks old and ready to find their forever homes.
- They have been vaccinated twice and dewormed.
- They are expected to grow up to 40-50 pounds when fully grown.
- The price is $200 or best offer..


54 Simmons Rd #18, Berry, AL 35546
United States
33.6598332, -87.6000098
(205) 270-xxxx Send message
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